
[In this on-line version, the page-numbers of the printed version are indicated within braces (“{” and “}”). For example, “{69|70}” indicates where p. 69 of the printed version ends and p. 70 begins. These indications will be useful to readers who need to look up references made elsewhere to the printed version of this book.]

There are two different publication dates for this book: 2009 for the published version that was “born digital” on the website of the Center for Hellenic Studies, and 2010 for the published version as printed by the University of California Press. (The online version contains updated annotations stemming from 2010 and thereafter. These annotations track relevant new debates or discoveries. At II§7 of the online version, for example, corresponding to p. 134 of the printed version, there is an annotation dated 2010.12.17 referring to a new debate on the historical value of myths about the so-called “Aeolian Migration.”)
There are many people I want to thank for helping me—so many that I am unable to list them all by name. In general, I express my appreciation to the academic community of the Department of Classics at the University of California in Berkeley, who hosted me as the Sather Professor when I gave my six Sather Classical Lectures in the spring semester of 2002. In particular, I thank Elizabeth Baughan, John Ferrari, Andrew Garrett, Crawford Greenewalt, Mark Griffith, Erich Gruen, Alexander Herda, Robert Knapp, Leslie Kurke, Patricia Larash, Anthony Long, Donald Mastronarde, Stephen Miller, Charles Murgia, Ellen Oliensis, Paul Psoinos, Alain Renoir, Laura Steele, Andrew Stewart. I take this opportunity to thank also all my other colleagues and friends. Seven names stand out: Christopher Dadian, Soo-Young Kim, Leonard Muellner, Anita Nikkanen, Jill Curry Robbins, Noel Spencer, and Aliya Williams. My debt to these seven is beyond measure.
Finally, I thank Paul Psoinos for his peerless copy editing, Yue Joy Deng and Jeff Emanuel for their acute proofreading, and Valerie Woelfel for her perceptive line drawings.