Gregory Nagy, Homer the Preclassic
Part I. A Preclassical Homer from the Dark Age
1. Homer and the Athenian Empire
2. Homer outside his Poetry
3. Homer and his Genealogy
4. Homer in the Homeric Odyssey
5. Iliadic Multiformities
Part II. A Preclassical Homer from the Bronze Age
6. Variations on a Theme of Homer
7. Conflicting Claims on Homer
8. Homeric Variations on a Theme of Empire
9. Further Variations on a Theme of Homer
10. Homer and the Poetics of Variation
Epilegomena. A Preclassical Text of Homer in the Making
BA – The Best of the Achaeans: Concepts of the Hero in Archaic Greek Poetry = N 1979
BA2 – 2nd ed. 1999
EH – “The Epic Hero” = N 2005a
GM – Greek Mythology and Poetics = N 1990b
HC – Homer the Classic = N 2008a/2009a
HPC – Homer the Preclassic = N 2009b/2010a
HQ – Homeric Questions = N 1996b
HR – Homeric Responses = N 2003a
HTL – Homer’s Text and Language = N 2004a
LP – “The Library of Pergamon as a Classical Model” = N 1998N – Nagy, G.
PH – Pindar’s Homer: The Lyric Possession of an Epic Past = N 1990a
PP – Poetry as Performance: Homer and Beyond = N 1996a
PR – Plato’s Rhapsody and Homer’s Music: The Poetics of the Panathenaic Festival in Classical Athens = N 2002
BA2 – 2nd ed. 1999
EH – “The Epic Hero” = N 2005a
GM – Greek Mythology and Poetics = N 1990b
HC – Homer the Classic = N 2008a/2009a
HPC – Homer the Preclassic = N 2009b/2010a
HQ – Homeric Questions = N 1996b
HR – Homeric Responses = N 2003a
HTL – Homer’s Text and Language = N 2004a
LP – “The Library of Pergamon as a Classical Model” = N 1998N – Nagy, G.
PH – Pindar’s Homer: The Lyric Possession of an Epic Past = N 1990a
PP – Poetry as Performance: Homer and Beyond = N 1996a
PR – Plato’s Rhapsody and Homer’s Music: The Poetics of the Panathenaic Festival in Classical Athens = N 2002
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