Classics@7: Les femmes, le féminin et le politique après Nicole Loraux, Colloque de Paris (INHA), novembre 2007

Edited by Nathalie Ernoult and Violaine Sebillotte Cuchet

Advisors: Catherine Darbo Peschanski, Stella Georgoudi, Ioanna Papadopoulou

Editorial Assistant: Lucy Schmid

The papers in this issue of Classics@ were originally presented at a conference held in Paris in November 2007, which was co-organized by Centre Louis Gernet (CNRS-EHESS), the Équipe Phéacie (Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne et Université Denis-Diderot Paris VII) and the Réseau National Interuniversitaire sur le Genre (RING, Paris). The aim was to explore Nicole Loraux’s legacy concerning the feminine and the polis both in Hellenic Studies and in feminist scholarship.

Scholars from Europe and the United States were gathered in Paris to celebrate the work of Nicole Loraux (1943-2003). One of the most impressive characteristics of Nicole Loraux’s work is the capacity to engage dialogue with other cultures and other eras. Outside the field of classics, feminist scholars share the same admiration for her unique way of standing beyond the frontiers and making various cultural encounters possible. After a solid traditional curriculum in Classics, which made of Nicole Loraux a competent philologist, she joined the Centre de Recherches comparées sur les Societes anciennes and started exploring the new anthropological approach developed by Jean-Pierre Vernant and Pierre Vidal-Naquet. She soon initiated her own brilliant interdisciplinary perspective at the crossroads of history, anthropology, philology, psychoanalysis, and feminism.

As gender studies continued to grow during the past decades, the organizers of the conference thought that debates between Loraux’s work and new ways of considering women and gender should be brought to the fore. Not surprisingly, some papers at the Paris conference addressed issues related more specifically to ancient Greek culture, while others concentrated on the broader questions of women in the polis, political marginalization or actuality of “the” feminine. Taking into account that the Classics@ series offers research-in-progress and aims to encourage collegial debate, the editors and the advisors of issue 7 hope that this new online publication exemplifies the theoretical exchange between gender studies and classics and contributes to it.


Violaine Sebillotte Cuchet, "'Les femmes, le féminin et le politique après Nicole Loraux', avant-propos," [PDF Version].

Jean-Michel Rey, "Quelques remarques sur la stasis," [PDF Version].

Catherine Darbo-Peschanski, L'opérateur féminin dans l'analyse du politique grec chez Nicole Loraux : le négatif et l'analogie [PDF Version].

Athanassios Alexandridis, Le silence d'Iole [PDF Version].

Alice Pechriggl, Linking psychoanalysis and historiography in the "controlled use of anachronism" [PDF Version].

Maria Eleonora Sanna, L'autonomie paradoxale ou le politique à l'épreuve des expériences d'Antigone « la séditieuse » [PDF Download].

Domna C. Stanton, Retour à Loraux pour une re-lecture féministe de l'Iphigénie en Aulide de Racine [PDF Version].

Ana Iriarte, De l'oubli comme astuce politique : Athènes 403-Espagne 1936 [PDF Version].

Giulia Sissa, Just Wars, Angry Wars, Democratic Wars: The Athenian Model [PDF Version].

Nathalie Ernoult, Platon, la mère, les mères après Nicole Loraux [PDF Version].

Claude Calame, Sacrifice des filles d'Érechthée et autochtonie: Fondations étiologiques dans l'Athènes classique [PDF Version].

François Lissarrague, Un singulier pluriel : quelques déesses grecques en image [PDF Version; Images (zip file of images, 7.5MB)].

Florence Gherchanoc, Mise en scène et réglementations du deuil en Grèce ancienne [PDF Version].

Claude Mossé, Conclusions [PDF Version].