Selected Bibliography

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[ back ] 1. See p. 159: “the way to get at [the] prose central idea is to consider first passages which are not enveloped in what I have called the Vedic haze.”
[ back ] 2. Part 1 of vol. I provides valuable thematic evidence for connections between Indic Lyric and Epic.
[ back ] 3. Addenda (1966) on p. 260.
[ back ] 4. Addenda (1966) on pp. 322f.
[ back ] 5. See especially Chapter III (139-180): A Theory of Meter.
[ back ] 6. See especially pp. 213f, 216, on the non-Indo-European origins of the Āryā meter.
[ back ] 7. This article contains especially valuable arguments for an early dating of the poetess.
[ back ] 8. See especially pp. 62-65, The poet of the Hymn to Demeter and Hermann’s Law.
[ back ] 9. See also the argument by Hart 1969 for the non-Indo-European origins of the Āryā.
[ back ] 10. For a lengthy critique, see R. Kannicht 1973, Gnomon 45:113-134.
[ back ] 11. See especially Chapter IV: La prière et les rites oraux, pp. 355–558.
[ back ] 12. This article was intended as a polemic advocating the importance of Linear B for evaluating certain aspects of Greek poetic diction and classical vocabulary.
[ back ] 13. See especially pp. 49f on the term anceps, pp. 61f on Allen 1966, pp. 68f on West 1970.
[ back ] 14. Now C. P. Roth.